Sunday 5 October 2014

ekkngf hicwi ntnyzl

Before leaving the set point of the day, Meng Xiang, everyone got a palm skins, there are some very hot out of the font on the back, is ray bans online accept test scores these days. However, those test scores compared on the back, a few words on the front of a large number of skins of these trainees Meng Xiang undoubtedly more shocking, they are actually going to accept trainees ray ban sunglasses grade, and ray ban sunglasses in this together ranking of trainees. Then everyone understand, ray ban sunglasses those who accept a mess, and some can even be said to be inexplicable test actually not Impartial tutor tune ray ban sunglasses teasing and pranks.

However, compared to the test in different ways, Meng Xiang skins are more concerned about is marked out scores - ground level, one thousand six hundred eighty-eight, actually, and ray ban australia arrival rendezvous ranking is exactly the same. If it is in accordance with a half months ago arrived within the specified time to set the total number of points - eight thousand nine hundred ninety three to calculate the 1688th pretty good, the ground -level trained personnel are also considered on the middle level. But the reality is not the case, the firstsix hundred eighty-eight, now on the ground level has been regarded as the bottom of the rankings, because at this time there are only six people have been eligible to continue in the large non- acceptance Gifted with Magic Mountain one thousand of the.

Ever since, ranked by comparison, after nearly 3,000 trainees were all ruthlessly eliminated, and only able to reluctantly accept the fate of being sent back. For this decision, no one dared to raise objections, because in a large non-phase magic mountain people have the final say, someone ray ban sunglasses dare protest, not only will spread to individuals, and even ray ban sunglasses behind the forces will be involved. Speaking, between Meng Xiang and Liu Heng still very fate, Meng Xiang in the ground -level training, and Liu Heng also, but he 's still ranked lower than Bangladesh Xiang, one thousand seven hundred fifty-three, there is still no to fifty it fell out of the ground level up.