Wednesday 8 October 2014

djtsmi lxria asrezp

Li Yang thought for a moment, slowly said, eyes still constantly watching Li Can, ugg boots Li Can afraid to know what their company psychological pressure, it is not worth the candle. Li Yang, happy smile, came to Zhengzhou, when ugg outlet Li Can there trying to pull into his company's idea, but did not expect to be so smooth. Gang drove over two ten minutes, the car will be in front of a building and stopped. The building is not small, just looks like a cover up soon, downstairs there is a big underground parking, the surrounding environment is not downtown, but the auction company does not need to be too busy places.

Li Yang, the first on the third floor, the third floor is office space, just an elevator to see the bustling construction scene, from time to time there are people walking around. Boss, and this is cheap uggs the company ? Just an elevator, Li Can it be overawed, Li Yang said he would listen to a few thought it was renovated office, did not expect such a big surprise that a whole floor. Yes ah, actually ugg outlet This is the first time to Li Yang chuckled. This layer office Li Yang estimate, there are about fifteen hundred square feet or so, if the fourth floor, and as big here, then added together for almost over three thousand square feet, according to the office of Zhengzhou current market price, I am afraid that the minimum should be more than thirty million to buy it.

Li Can not help but sigh, a start he thought about how much Li Yang 's auction, the auction company is now generally there are a lot, and now look at this auction Li Yang said the company than he thought it would be much larger. Li Yang Tao suddenly heard voices behind, Li and Li Can have quickly turned, with a helmet -Qaeda do not know when Cheng went ugg outlet behind. Li Can surprised cry, he saw Cheng -Qaeda, and the last to buy Li Yang Bloodstone is this man, and ugg outlet also ate a meal together.