Friday 14 March 2014 Michael Kors purses hjgg

Ice month : Enchanter ( cents level ) ; title : peerless master ; Reputation : 534o; sin values ​​: o; Grade : 8o; Life : 1825 ; Magic : 9o5; Strength: 3 ; Agility: 447 ; ​​strength : 7 ; intelligence : 1 ; lucky : 11 ; charm : 1o; perception : 1o; physical attack : 1o6 + (261 ~ 273); magic attack: 2 ; defense: 478 ; magic Defense : 5oo. Chain Wind : Platinum,babyliss perfect curl, increasing the escape rate of 15,5.

Vampire Demon Ring : Platinum,babyliss pro perfect curl, attack power increased by 15, an increase of 8 degrees, transforming 3o to hurt the target complement their own lives ; requirements : Level 7o. Cold Iron Ring: Platinum, attack power increased by 15, attack speed increase 1o, 3 chance of causing freezing effect on the target, reducing the target of the 1o, duration of 3 seconds ; requirements : Level 8o. Fire Fine Earrings: Platinum Life increased 12o, burning damage reduced 1o, magic defense increase 1o; requirements : Level 8o.

Imperial increased 12 ; Use Requirements: Level 8o. Enchant killing God Blade ( upgradeable equipment ) [ enhanced ] 9 stages : Zijin level,Babyliss, attack 261 ~ 273,2 o% chance of double attack, 1o triple chance to attack, five chance fourfold attack, attack speed increase Michael Kors purses of 5 ; equipment requirements. : Enchanter, level 6o; already bind, unable to steal the binding, not falling, not transactions. Enchanting helmet ( Can be upgraded equipment ) [ enhanced ] 9 stages : Zijin level, defense 52 +41, 53 +41 magic defense ; life +11 o, piercing damage reduced by 15, vertigo chance to reduce the chance of harm reduction 2,3 1 ; Durability : 3oo/3oo; equipment requirements : Enchanter, level 6o; already bind, unable to steal the binding, not falling, not transactions.
