Sunday 1 December 2013 chaussures ugg wyjh Dwarf soldier raised his head,nike free 5.0, eyes wide : the more light, but also dragging tail, it will not be the shells ? Like a rocket ! But how rockets could fly so high, so far ? Tall, thin soldier said with some uncertainty. Sure enough, more and more bright points of light, but also with horrible wailing sound, straight toward the distant city of Ur Saatchi Aliyev rushed. Almost a blink of an eye, earth-shattering explosion sound, intense fire from a full three to four meters high jump. Two soldiers as one, eyes are all fear - the placement of missiles, bombs clearly yao warehouse near the train station.

As a simple example,nike free trainer 5.0, it is equivalent to throwing a bucket of gasoline torches, fire yao pile off to Mars, is almost a little on. With the explosion of the missile, immediately cited warehouse stacked bomb detonation, suddenly, the whole library is like a bomb was dropped yao countless pieces of aerial bombs, huge mushroom clouds billowing into the sky violently. In the violent explosion of shells, the sound of machine gun and rifle bullets, also sounded like if Chaodou. Dolphin bullet, out in the hot temperatures shells, shooting in all directions toward jī, many suffer baptism lucky enough to survive the explosion Soviet soldiers, was a fast flying bullets became blurred blood rou sieve.

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