Thursday 21 June 2012

beat look! ghd engineering company

GHD IV salon styler

According to reports, the end of last year, the civil part of the GHD IV salon styler projects have been completed for 90% of the overall engineering, power plants, gas stations and other facilities according to plan carried out simultaneously; equipment is installed according to plan, commissioning; but the people in the industry whether in GHD 08 Olympic Games before the realization of the production of plasma screens are not optimistic about. Sheng Zhe, director of GHD, GHD plasma panel production line even if smooth operation is still not indicative of GHD before this year's Olympic Games and other production, yield and production of plasma screens is a hurdle that must be.

ghd outlet from the success of the trial prototype to achieve mass production of the two concepts, this intermediate requires at least a year's time to debug. The flat panel is a very high accuracy requirements, especially GHD are more dense lattice, so that higher accuracy requirements. A new production line to achieve large-scale production, under the normal circumstances of its yield to half a year will climb to more economical level.

According to the Sheng Zhe introduced, the three months to debug ghd hair straightener yield can reach about 60% a year's time to debug, to make the yield increased to 85 % - 90% of GHD. The high yield mass production GHD such as plasma screens in order to achieve profitability. Insiders said that the GHD production in the amount of plasma screens can not be achieved before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, will make the GHD Nuggets plasma market missed the pot of gold.